Topograhical and Cadastral Surveys

Topograhical and Cadastral Surveys

Topographical Engineering Surveys
A thorough Topographic Survey is vital for the success of any Engineering project. PROME Consultants Ltd operates a stand-alone topographical and cadastral Unit that is part of the Built Environment and Engineering Division. This unit is equipped with a number of experienced surveyors who provide accurate survey data using state of the art techniques that enables them produce quality work in a timely and cost effective manner. These Techniques include:
  • Control Surveys using Global Positioning Systems (GPS): Used to determine precise Northings and Eastings on the ground surface (horizontal controls) and Digital and Automatic Levels to establish heights of points above mean sea level (Vertical Heights).
  • Volumetric / Quantity Surveys (Cut and Fill): These are used to determine volumes of land excavated and materials filled on construction projects handled.
  • Terrestrial LiDAR: This is done using a 3D Laser Scanner for 3D modelling, this method provides a faster, safe and accurate method of collecting large amounts of data and producing Point clouds with different hues for visualization and 3D CAD plans.
  • Drone Surveys: This method also provides a faster, safer and accurate method of collecting data for production of Photo mosaics which can be used to produces DEMs, DTMs, Contours at varying intervals and Ortho- rectification of imagery.
Cadastral Surveys
Cadastral surveys deal with property boundaries and PROME Consultants Ltd follows the Laws and Regulations promulgated both on a national level and internationally in execution of Cadastral Surveys. These regulations define ownership, land rights and expropriation procedures. Using state of the art equipment, the PROME surveyors determine individual property boundaries for sub- division, titling, legal issues and land acquisition on large road projects  and boundary demarcation.


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