Engineering Design

Engineering Design

Engineering design is a key aspect when it comes to solving the infrastructure problems facing the World today. PROME has over the years demonstrated competence in the execution of the art Engineering designs that are fit for purpose, Economical and Environmentally conscious. 

Our overall approach for infrastructure design involves identification and packaging of investment proposals, which are technically appropriate, economically justifiable, financially affordable, socially acceptable, environmentally responsible and institutionally manageable. All infrastructure design work is undertaken in accordance with Ministry of Works and Transport/UNRA Standards and Design Manuals. Reference is also made to Internationally recognized standards and Manuals.

It is a culture of our design team to ensure that all items of works are designed and defined to an adequate level of detail to enable the works to be constructed.  Correct specification of the works through material and workmanship specifications and drawings to a sufficient detail is vital held in high regard.


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