TikTok video from Julia Beauty (@juliabeauty25): "How to remove dark spots and pimples at home naturally. How to use Colgate and Vaseline to get rid of dark spots on the face Gently wash it off as you would with any other face wash, and pat your face dry with a soft towel. Bruises develop when small blood vessels under the skin tear or rupture, most often from a bump or fall. Ensure your hands are clean before you do this. With the help of toothpaste for skin care, getting rid of those nasty dark or black lines is made simple. It will fade away dark spots quickly if you apply a pack of lemons with lemon juice. Why does toothpaste sting on spots? it does not work, it just makes the rest of your face go red, then the spot are the least of your worries. With so many products promising results, we chatted to the experts for their recommedations on ingredients and tactics that can help you make dark spots a thing of the past. Teeth whiteners are safe, reliable when done by a dental expert, and you will get lasting outcomes. Toothpaste For Treating Dark Spots on Face - 100% Effective You can just make use of Colgate. 4. 7. Secondly, can you leave toothpaste on your face overnight? Then, wash it off the plain water and moisturizes it with a moisturizer. Chemical burn on face due to toothpaste. - Dermatology - MedHelp To do this, a person can make a paste by mixing 2 teaspoons of baking soda with a little water. if they really bother you you could go to a doctor a get tablets to clear them up. USE COLGATE AND VASELINE TO GET RID OF DARK SPOTS ON … Take a little amount of toothpaste in a bowl. Can you leave toothpaste on your face overnight? How to Apply Toothpaste for Acne. Apply on your face or affected parts. The white ones contain components which help the dark spots to lighten, such as hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and triclosan, whereas the colored ones consist of stuff that may cause skin irritation.