Notes: (See the end of the work for notes.) Barry Allen & The Winchesters : The Heart of Atlantis, Part 4 3. Jeez, I'm so STUPID!" Milo slammed his fist into his hand, his tears finally coming out. In The Night, an atlantis: the lost empire fanfic | FanFiction Deadpan Snarker: Milo sarcastically congratulates his friends when they are about to leave with both Kida and the crystal, knowing full well their actions will wipe out Atlantis. Give Geeks a Chance - TV Tropes Featured Quizzes & Stories. So yeah, he's knowingly willing to commit genocide against a race of people just For the Money. Goodgame Empire Romance Fanfiction Stories Velvet — Headcanon Masterlist Fanfic: The Trials of Helga Sinclair Ch 1, Atlantis | FanFiction Milo stuttered out, flipping frantically through the journal's pages, "It doesn't mention anything about that, like it wasn't . Fenton Q. Harcourt is Milo's boss and one of the heads of the Smithsonian Institute in Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Add to library 1.4k Discussion 238 Suggest tags. When they were betrayed and Kida is one with the crystal, they must save a lost civilization and Kida. We all know the movie Atlantis: The Lost Empire, and I thought of a cool crossover idea for it. Fenton Q. Harcourt is Milo's boss and one of the heads of the Smithsonian Institute in Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Atlantis: The Lost Empire OC - Madeline - DeviantArt He is the only son of Sarah Hawkins, the propretior of the Benbow Inn. He would reappear in the direct-to-video sequel Atlantis: Milo's Return. Although not necessary for the enjoyment of the story, it would be helpful to be familiar with my other "Atlantis" fanfics, specifically . Disney / Moral Event Horizon - TV Tropes I wrote this when I was feeling like crap so sorry if it's a little depressing. 4Chapter 1: The City of the Mermaids The darkness of the cave had brought brief comfort to the blonde haired woman. The Glomp - TV Tropes But he did this in secret, knowing that the museum would never allow a job to a woman. All The World's Sadness - vannahoneshots (vannahfanfics) - Atlantis ... Joshua Sweet | Atlantis: The Lost Empire Wiki | Fandom Vincenzo "Vinny" Santorini was born in 1876 in Palermo, Sicily, Italy. Chapter 2: A Dream that Once was .